Legal advice information - Offers - Survivors - Kinderkrebsschweiz

This is how you can help

Legal advice for survivors over the age of 18

The offering from Childhood Cancer Switzerland is available throughout Switzerland and provides answers to questions on invalidity insurance (IV), social security issues and the consequences that a reduced workload can involve. Our partner organisation Procap has lawyers who are already familiar with the issue of survivorship and can thus provide targeted support to those affected.

The legal consultation service answers questions on rehabilitation, aids and other topics, and is seen as an additional form of support in important decision processes.

The free and non-binding initial consultation takes place in the Procap offices or online, depending on the arrangement, and lasts about 30 minutes.

Anyone interested should please contact Zuzana Tomasikova directly (Phone: +41 61 270 44 00). The Head of the Survivors’ Centre coordinates the legal advice service and would be happy to forward your inquiries.


Worth reading: “The social security system can be something of a jungle”, an interview (in German, French and Italian) with Franziska Lüthy from Procap.

Legal advice for survivors under the age of 18 
in Basel (UKBB)

The legal service at the University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB) is a pilot project initiated by Childhood Cancer Switzerland. The free and non-binding offer is aimed at parents with survivors under the age of 18 who are being treated at UKBB. Those affected are given advice and support in legal issues concerning social security, education and the situation regarding future professions. The legal service contributes to the further expansion of multidisciplinary follow-up care at UKBB and to highlighting possibilities for action that go beyond purely medical aspects. The project partners are our member organisation "Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder, Regio Basiliensis" and UKBB. 

Anyone interested should contact the psychosocial team at the University Children’s Hospital Basel UKBB
